As a little girl, I spent many hours in her kitchen "helping" her bake pies and cookies. Grandma saved the little metal tins that potpies used to come in, and would give me and my sisters the leftover dough to make our own mini pies.
I loved spending time with my grandma, and I know my husband is especially grateful that she taught me how to make a good pie! ;-)
I remember staring, fascinated that my grandma could peel an apple in one long, thin spiral. I never could. Still can't.
In fact, I dislike peeling apples so much, that years ago, I made a trade with my sister. I gave her a Pampered Chef stoneware baker that I was never going to use, and she gave me her Pampered Chef apple peeler/corer/slicer that she was never going to use. It was a happy trade!
Although Grandma always used Macs, I purposely buy Granny Smith apples so I can use my nifty gadget. You need a nice firm apple, or else you'll end up with applesauce! ;-)
Grandma also always "dumped" her sugar over her apples. Some recipes call for stirring the apples together with the sugar and spices, making a syrup. I don't think that method turns out the same pie... so, Grandma's dumping method is mine. :-)
Grandma was also a butter and cholesterol girl. lol. Had to place 4-5 pats of butter on top of the apples. If you knew my grandma, you'd know that my pats are much smaller than hers. :-D
Mmm, yeah. Grandma's pies were the best.
I must *shamefacedly* admit that the pie in the pictures was made with a storebought crust. But, I will still share Grandma's pie crust recipe with you.
I will share her recipes exactly as they are written on my recipe cards from her. No instructions on the pie crust. I'm sure she couldn't imagine that someone didn't already know to make pie crust by blending the shortening into the flour and then adding just enough water to form a dough... I can still hear her voice, "Don't overwork it! It'll be tough!"
So, here is the recipe for my Grandma's Apple Pie:
Pie Crust (2 crust pie)
2 cups flour
3/4 cup Crisco
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4-1/3 cup cold water
Apple Pie
5-6 apples (peeled and sliced) (I tend to use all but 2 apples in a 3-lb husband likes a LOT of apples in the pie!)
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
Prepare pie crust. Heap apples into crust. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Dot with butter.
Cover with top crust. Cut slit for steam.
Bake at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes.
Mmmm, eat and enjoy!
Recommend: YES

Tags: apple pie apple pie recipe Grandma's apple pie apples apple recipes Granny Smith apples Pampered Chef recipes
Yes, they are definitely smaller! What sweet memories we have of Grandma:)
oh I am so craving an apple pie now!! especially with the cooler weather these past few days! =)
great recipe! And a wonderful tribute to your grandmother. I noticed apples were on sale at the store today, guess fall is right around the corner...
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