When a misguided suffragette hands a white feather of cowardice to an English spy, neither could have imagined the dangerous consequences that follow.
Somehow I misread or misunderstood the blurb for this book. I thought it was a WWII book, which any of my regular readers know I love.
Well, I was off a war. ;-) Not by Sight is set during WWI...and I thought it was great! I don't want to give anything away that you will learn of within the first few chapters! But, I found it refreshing that Kate wrote about a love that dealt more with inner beauty than outward.
She also had me googling 'WWI splatter mask,' so that I could correctly picture the 'Tin Man.'
Not by Sight was a most riveting story filled with history, emotion, treason, true friendship, and true love.
Thank you to Kate and Bethany House through NetGalley for sending me a copy to read and review!
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