"If God created a special woman, perfectly suited to be your husband's helper, would you be that woman?"
Created to Be His Help Meet: Discover How God Can Make Your Marriage Glorious by Debi Pearl is a wonderful tool for the woman who wants to be the wife that God intends her to be. As with ANY book, you must compare what you read with what the Bible says! If the book is in contradiction to God's words, then it is not truth and should not be followed! The words of God always take precedence over whatever man says! ALWAYS!!
Although I did not agree with every point in the book, Debi shares some great insights to the woman who is willing to be what God has created her to be: her husband's help meet. The wise woman desires to follow the Lord and be obedient to His words. From chapter 1, Debi says, "A wise woman doesn't take anything for granted. She is thankful to be loved and seeks to make herself more lovely." Mrs. Pearl talks about practicing the right kind of thinking. If a wife spends all day (while hubby is away at work) playing over and over in her mind the wrong "little" thing that he did (or didn't do), by the time her husband walks in the door at the end of the day, she is grumpy and bitter. A wise woman will allow the Lord to control her thoughts.
Debi reveals to her readers that she believes three kinds of men exist: Mr. Command Man, Mr. Visionary, and Mr. Steady, and then shares how a wife can relate to whichever man hers is. Mrs. Pearl also works her way through Titus 2, sharing practical tips for being sober, loving husbands, loving children, being discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient to husbands.
Created to Be His Help Meet is a wealth of information! Even though I feel blessed to have a wonderful husband (I'd say he's a Mr. Steady) and marriage, room for improvement can always be made! Although some of the points seemed obvious, I still found many tips and eye-openers in this book. And, not on my husband's end, either! Things I know I can and need to work on -- especially that thought thing!!
Whether you have a wonderful, established marriage, one that's just beginning, one with an unsaved husband, or one that's struggling to survive, I would encourage you to find a copy of this book. In light of what society today wants us to believe, some of the things Debi shares from God's Word may be hard to swallow. However, God knows what is best for us as women. He created us to be our husband's help meet. This position is not meant to be a dutiful chore, but a blessing - for ourselves, our husbands, and our families. Our responsibility is humble obedience.
297 pages from No Greater Joy Ministries.
Recommend: YES

Tags: Debi Pearl Created to Be His Help Meet marriage Biblical womanhood book reviews
I LOVE this book! I used it alot in counseling and introduced it as a Pastor's wife to our church women. I would say only 50% of the women who read the book agree with me---the other 50% get down right angry and offended at what it says.
I didn't agree with everything (i.e. I take a different stance than she does with abusive dads and husbands and exposing children to those men) but for the most part, I think it's an incredible book.
Oh, and I'm married to a Command/Visionary mix. :-)
I need to read this book; it has helped me so much to find books that encourage me in my role as a wife and mom. I loved Passionate Housewives Desperate for God. Right now, I have a copy of The Excellent Wife....haven't started it yet. I will have to look for this one at the library. Like you, I glean what I can from each book....some points I'll agree with, some I don't, but I always find encouragement along the way.
I have, and love this book too... and just curious which parts you don't agree with... there is so much debate about this book, I always like to hear what others think of it... I just might read it again after reading this post =)
Just stopping by from SITS! FABULOUS blog!
Come by and check out my "5 DAYS OF GIVE-A-WAYS" @ http://truebeautyinsideandout.blogspot.com
Funny, I was just about to write a post about this book and while searching for a picture to include I found your blog! I agree, parts of the book I loved, the tough parts, I'm working on. It's fantastic to get an idea of the practical working out of our faith as wives and mothers.
PS- May I link include your blog on my blog roll?
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