I was given the opportunity to review Draw and Write Through History: Creation Through Jonah, which is written by Carylee Gressman and illustrated by Peggy Dick.
Carylee's Draw and Write series is geared for ages 8 and up, but if your younger child is interested in art and drawing, you can certainly adapt! Although this book was out of my daughter's ability, I can't wait until she CAN use it!
The Draw and Write series is the perfect supplement for your homeschooling curriculum. These books would even be wonderful tools for summer break, because drawing is FUN!
The book begins with an introduction from Professor Doodle who tells each story and gives the child drawing tips and tricks.

Professor Doodle guides the child, step by step, in drawing realistic plants and trees. He then shows the child how to draw a dinosaur and man. At the end of the section, a page of cursive copywork is given, summarizing the history lesson.
After Creation, and besides the images on the cover, you will find instruction on drawing everything from the ark to mummies to Joseph to Jonah's whale. Click here for a sample from the book - the Trojan Horse.
I was thoroughly impressed with the entire book. It was fun! The drawings were based on simple stick figures or sketches and then the child is shown how to fill it out, so that his drawing is realistic.
I really wish I'd had something like this when I was in school. I loved to draw and doodle and trace. I think this would have helped my artistic side! ;-)
I think when my little boy is ready for school, I'll have to get book four, the Pilgrims, Pirates, and Patriots edition!
The other two titles in the Draw and Write series are Greece and Rome and The Vikings, The Middle Ages, and The Renaissance. If you've got a child with an artistic bent (and even if you don't!), I think she would love the Draw and Write Through History books!
Thank you, Carylee and Peggy, through Mama Buzz, for allowing me to review your book!
Recommend: YES
Also reviewed [here] on Christianbook.com and [here] on Amazon.

**Disclaimer: I was given a free product for review purposes only. My reviews are not monetarily compensated and have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way, unless otherwise disclosed. Each review is based on the reactions and opinions of myself and/or family.**
Tags: Carylee Gressman Peggy Dick homeschooling curriculum Draw and Write book reviews Draw and Write Through History Creation through Jonah homeschool supplement material learn to draw