Another twist on a mail-order bride plot – a herdsman school!
Six young ladies arrive in Kansas to become potential brides for the local ranchers. But first, they must learn all that a rancher’s wife must know, from cooking for a crowd to milking to branding cattle.
Tressa’s desperate circumstances brought her to Aunt Hattie’s school. Will she be able to learn what she needs to know…and would anyone want her for a wife?
I’m not sure if herdsman schools existed in the mail-order bride days, but it was a fun idea!
I’ve read almost all of Kim’s books and have enjoyed every one so far. She’s got a gift for storytelling. Her characters are always real and easy to imagine. For those who enjoy courting parties, drawling speech, and a little bit of cattle rustlin,’ A Hopeful Heart will not disappoint.
AND FOR YOU, a peek into the book:
A Hopeful Heart
Recommend: YES

**Disclaimer: I was given a free product for review purposes only. My reviews are not monetarily compensated and have not been influenced by the sponsor in any way, unless otherwise disclosed. Each review is based on the reactions and opinions of myself and/or family.**
Tags: Kim Vogel Sawyer A Hopeful Heart Christian fiction Bethany House book reviews