I am working my way through Persuasion by Jane Austen. I must say that the only classic I truly remember reading is Jane Eyre, which I enjoyed immensely. So far, I am also greatly enjoying Persausion. Interruptions by my children make classics a bit harder to read...but, I'm thinking it's worth the effort!
Waiting in the wings is this dvd:

I know many movie versions of Jane Austen's books have been produced, and I don't know which is the best. However, I have heard that the BBC versions are good and am anxious to watch this one...AFTER I finish the entire book...and see how true to the book it is.
How many classics have you read? Leave me a comment with a recommendation...and why!
Tags: Jane Austen Persuasion Classic fiction Barnes and Noble book reviews Sally Hawkins Rupert Penry-Jones
So glad you have chosen to read the book before seeing an adaptation, that is always preferable to me. (And I must confess a pet peeve is when I hear that someone finally reads a book and complains because it doesn't match the film they've already seen, LOL. A bit backward!)
I will say that although I very much enjoyed Rupert Penry Jones as Wentworth (very swoonworthy) in the adaptation DVD you have waiting for you, I would recommend to you that you also watch the 1995 version starring Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds. Both versions are enjoyable (even though CH did not quite match my "vision" of Captain W) but I think the 1995 is more "faithful" as an adaptation. Especially a certain scene involving a letter which, to me, is pivotal but the later adaptation totally botched. (You will know what I mean when you've finished the book, I think.)
Tess, Thanks for leaving a comment - I love when people do!!
I absolutely share your pet peeve! ;-) I always prefer to read the book first...
Thanks for recommending the 1995 movie version. I will very likely check it out!
Came over from MSM about mac'n cheese but had to check out your book site too! :)
I don't read classics much and can't remember choosing to read any but what was required in English in school (usually sections probably in our textbook).
If you want to know all about Jane Austen (book vs movie versions) check out Camy Tang's website. She LOVES Jane Austen. (She's a Christian chick lit author if you haven't heard of her.) http://camys-loft.blogspot.com/ can probably find Jane Austen stuff the easiest through http://camys-loft.blogspot.com/search/label/Movies
I however do want to read more classics now and press the importance of them onto my homeschooled children (oldest is only 7)! :)
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