If you aren't already subscribing to a Reiman Publication, then you should be!! My two personal favorites are Simple and Delicious (formerly Quick Cooking) and Taste of Home. I have been receiving both of these magazines for almost 10 years and before that, I read my mom's copies!
Each top-quality issue is chock full of delicious recipes and beautiful pictures of the finished dishes! Every-day cooks from across the country have submitted their families' favorite recipes, perfect for your average family! No strange, gourmet ingredients...no long, 20-step processes.
If you have time, check out their websites here and here. When you begin to realize you want to try every recipe you see (you won't be able to help yourself - it just happens!), click on the above pictures to try a FREE issue! If you prefer collecting cookbooks, you can purchase annuals of each magazine.
Happy Cooking!
Recommend: YES

Tags: Taste of Home Simple and Delicious Cooking magazines Reiman Publications book reviews free issue cooking recipes