A Silken Thread will be released April 2 and is available for pre-order HERE!
Eighteen-year-old Laurel Millard, youngest of seven children, is expected to stay home and "take care of Mama" by her older siblings, but Laurel has dreams of starting her own family.
It’s been quite a while since I read a KVS book, but she quickly reminded me why I like her so much!
The setting is the Atlanta Exposition in 1895, which I loved learning about! I googled several items of interest that I found in the story. I love when that happens and that’s why I enjoy historical fiction so much! A little - or a lot of! -learning in a story setting!
Laurel finds a job weaving silk in the Women's Building, which is not looked upon kindly by many locals who see it as a threat to their local cotton.
Add in Willie, a hard-working young man who desires to earn some extra money at the Exposition for his pa’s medical needs; Langdon, a rich boy who can’t please his father (and rightly so); Quincy, who has to learn that it’s not your outside that gives you respect; and a big, orange tabby (because anyone who knows even a little about KVS - she loves cats)!
This book was a little different - she gently wove in a bit more serious subject than some of her past books: racism. Luke 6:31, “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”
It was a perfect blend of characters and situations. I was both satisfied and challenged by A Silken Thread - and I think you will be, too!
Thank you to Kim and Waterbrook Multnomah through NetGalley for sending me a Kindle copy to read and review!
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**DISCLOSURE: I was given a complimentary product in exchange for an honest review. Please read my full disclosure policy HERE.**