Lady Georgina Hawthorne has worked tirelessly to seal her place as the Incomparable for her debut season. At her first London ball, she hopes to snag the attention of an earl.
With money and business connections, but without impeccable bloodlines, Colin McCrae is invited everywhere but accepted nowhere. When he first encounters the fashionable Lady Georgina, he's irritated by his attraction to a woman who concerns herself only with status and appearance.
What Colin doesn't know is that Georgina's desperate social aspirations are driven by the shameful secret she harbors. Association with Colin McCrae is not part of Georgina's plan, but as their paths continue to cross, they both must decide if the realization of their dreams is worth the sacrifices they must make.
I really, really enjoyed this second story in Kristi Hunter's Hawthorne House series.
I must admit that it had been awhile since I read the first book, A Noble Masquerade...and at first I didn't remember Georgina. An Elegant Façade CAN be read as a standalone, but the two stories overlap for several chapters in the beginning (this was very unique -- I've never read a book with parts of the same story told from another's perspective). So...it's nice - and somewhat helpful - to read them both!
Georgina's 'flaw,' as she thinks it is, causes her to appear almost untouchable. I found Georgina's struggle with such a malady during that time period to be very interesting. As she is challenged by Mr. McCrae, a gentleman beneath her notice, I couldn't help but begin to like her more and more as I realized how her façade was just that. Her responses and mannerisms weren't really HER...but, my empathy and compassion grew during the fearful journey to find the real HER.
A very unique and enjoyable story that lends understanding to one of today's learning disabilities. I am hoping that Kristi will be writing next about the Hawthorne brothers! Because I'll certainly be reading them!
Thank you to Kristi and Bethany House through NetGalley for sending me a copy to read and review!
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