The Brickmaker's Bride by Judith Miller
Yearning for a fresh start, Ewan McKay travels with his aunt and uncle from northern Scotland to West Virginia, promising to trade his skills in the clay business for financial assistance from his uncle Hugh. Hugh purchases a brickmaking operation from a Civil War widow and her daughter, but it's Ewan who gets the business up and running again. Ewan seeks help from Laura, the former owner's daughter, and he feels a connection with her, but she's being courted by another man---a lawyer with far more social clout and money than Ewan. Besides, Ewan has resolved he'll focus on making the brickmaking operation enough of a success that he can become a partner in the business and be able to afford to bring his sisters over from Scotland.
But when Hugh signs a bad business deal, all Ewan's hard work may come to naught. As his plans begin to crumble, Laura reveals something surprising. She and her mother may have a way to save the brickworks, and in turn Ewan may have another shot at winning Laura's heart.
The 'Gone With the Wind' feel was lovely, and though I enjoy fiction full of historical detail, I felt a bit lost on understanding the brickmaking process as it didn't flow smoothly into the story at times. You can tell Judith did extensive research on the subject, and I can imagine how difficult it must be to pick and choose what to share in a book without it becoming overwhelming. Kudos for the effort!
I really liked Laura. She was very knowledgeable in her family's business, but she wasn't disrespectful or pushy. I liked Ewan, too. He was a hard worker, and you couldn't help but sympathize with him over his relationship with his Uncle. Oh, and Uncle Hugh... there's always a character like him, in real life or not! Someone who feels entitled to greatness – but expects everyone else to get him there. Although, I think Judith's conclusion of Uncle Hugh was very satisfying! The Lord changes us when we let Him!
The story did drag at times for me (mostly the detailed brick descriptions), but overall, another historical by Judith Miller that I enjoyed reading!
That's what I thought! Click HERE to see what other reviewers are saying!
Thank you to Judith and Bethany House through Litfuse for sending me a copy to read and review!
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